Monday, June 15, 2015

Coffee Garden

Currently in Aceh there are two types of coffee is cultivated is Arabica and Robusta coffee Two types Gayo famous of Gayo coffee (Arabica) and Ulee Kareeng coffee (Robusta). For Arabica coffee species commonly cultivated in the highlands region "Land Gayo", East Aceh and Gayo Lues, while in Pidie district (especially the region Tangse and Geumpang) and Aceh Barat more dominant developed by the people here in the form of Robusta coffee. Arabica coffee is rather large and dark green, oval-shaped leaves, tree height reaches seven meters. But in the coffee plantations, tree height is kept to a range of 2-3 meters. The goal is that easy when at harvest. Arabica coffee trees started to produce its first fruit in three years. Normally branches grow from the trunk with a length of about 15 cm. Younger above the foliage color as sunlight while the darker underneath. Each bar holds 10-15 small flower arrangements that will be the fruit of coffee.

From this process then arise fruit called coffee cherry, oval-shaped, two side by side. Gayo coffee is one commodity that comes from Gayo Highlands. Coffee plantations have been developed since 1908 it thrives in the central highlands and Central Aceh. Both areas are located at an altitude of 1200 m above sea level has the largest coffee plantation in Indonesia, with an area of ​​approximately 81,000 ha. Respectively 42,000 ha located in the central highlands and the remaining 39,000 ha in Central Aceh District. Gayo is the name of a Native who inhabit this area. The majority of people living as Gayo Coffee Farmers.

Arabica coffee varieties dominate the type developed by farmers Gayo. Arabica coffee production resulting from Tanah Gayo is the largest in Asia Gayo coffee is one typical of the archipelago from Aceh who pretty much favored by various circles in the world. Gayo coffee aroma and flavor very distinctive. Most of the existing coffee, bitterness remains on our tongue, but not so in Gayo coffee. Barely perceptible bitter taste on the coffee. Gayo coffee flavor of the original contained in the fragrant aroma and savory taste hardly bitter. Even some who argue that exceed Gayo coffee flavor Blue Mountain coffee flavor that comes from Jamaica. Gayo coffee produced from plantations of the people in the Central Highlands, Central Aceh.

In the area of ​​coffee grown in an organic way without chemicals that coffee is also known as green coffee (environmentally friendly). Gayo coffee is touted as the best organic coffee in the world.

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